When BGE replaced gas lines along North Point Road and left roads in terrible condition, one of our Board Members worked with BGE and their contractor to have the road repaved.
When the County replaced a sewer line on North Point Road near Bay Shore Bar, the road was very bumpy and one of our Board Members worked with the County to have it repaved quickly. Once that job is completed, we’ll work to have the remaining section repaved.
During the CZMP, when a developer wanted to rezone the Fort Howard Hospital Site for hundreds of homes, our group joined others to pack the auditorium with hundreds who opposed the rezoning. Thanks to Todd Crandell, it was down zoned to try to prevent construction, especially with our current school overcrowding.
When Tradepoint wanted to take dredge material to Hart-Miller Island, the County meetings weren’t widely announced and only 15 minutes at the end was allowed for residents to speak. But, we had heard many residents who were opposed so we held a 2-hour Community Input Meeting, with standing room only, where 2 wanted the dredge to go to HMI and 86 were opposed. We posted photos online and widely announced the next County meeting. Within 38 hours, Tradepoint withdrew their plan to take dredge material to HMI. It was critical for homeowners, taxpayers, voters to have their opportunity to express their opinions.
For over a year, we’ve heard complaints about 18-wheelers parking on North Point Blvd. Our Board Members stepped in and had No Parking signs posted below Walmart where trucks park overnight and have been reporting them to have them ticketed. We’ve been working with the County and State. Our Board Members took photos of trucks parked on North Point Blvd below Bethlehem Blvd, contacted the Police to get reports showing the volume of problems, and contacted the trucking companies and sent the photos to them to solicit their help with their drivers. We also requested Officers work on their reports in that area to move truckers rather than doing reports sitting across from DAP. We know those businesses need customers but not at the cost of having someone pulling out, with little visibility around the trucks, getting hurt or killed. Tradepoint has said they’re working with the Royal Farm, located on their property, to see if they can add a few truck parking spaces to attract truckers there and not parked on North Point Blvd. We are continuing to work on these problems and solutions.
Let’s Connect and Build Together!
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